Led Wall Lights
Tecnografica presents his collections of led wall lamps.
Dècora LAMP are plug in wall lights with brilliant colors ideal to create an unique atmosphere in every room, from the livingroom to the bedroom, because every piece is handmade. Led wall lights collections indeed often start from a collaboration between Tecnografica and other brands like Panini or Silver.
All started because we wants to introduce new ideas for products, we want them to be original, durable and personal. For those reasons we tought about dimmable led lamps, we chose a durable material like PMMA and always and only seek for the original licenses. We applied the same principles to our modern wall lights.
Every Tecnografica's led wall light is made on order.
‘Cause many can shine, but only few can amaze.
Choose your favorite led wall lights or search there for other -> led lamps.